Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baby Babbles

Lark can now say please (accompanied with the sign) and can sign Thank you and Good and Where. She signs Eat alot lately, usually while saying Chee (chicken). She differentiates b/w rice (rrr) and millet (mee) and really likes brushing her teeth with Momma in the morning and Daddy in the evenings. She can say Bath (bat/bah) and Mall (mawh).
She cut all 16 of her front teeth and is currently working on her 2-year-old molars....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordy Little One

Lark can now differentiate. She can state whether something is little (yee-dle) or big (beedt), and can ask you be up or down, and have something put on or off (unfortunately both on and off are the same word in her mind.....odddft)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Toddling Beauty

Lark's really coming along in the walking/running thing. She's popping herself up from a sitting position now. She can also say Please, and adores chicken (to a very obsessive extent). We tried bananas for the first time today, and she loves puffed rice for car rides.
She nurses her dollies alot now, and loves playing with her friends on playgrounds, or especially at the splashparks :)
She's got her Dadda's climbing gene, though, which freaks me out!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Lark's officially into solids now :) Almost 16 months of EBF and now she asks for and eats and swollows millet, chicken, peas, carrots (cut or pureed) apples, grapes, and blueberries.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Finally Doing it!

Lark signed Thank You for the first time today!!!
She also can say Chi, for chicken, and Buh/Puh for grape (Puh also doubles as the word for peas, lol)