Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dizzy Baby Dizzy World

Since moving has all but consumed our lives for the past few months, I now feel compelled to write more since we're finally settling into our new abode.

Lark is still cruising, and has managed to get utterly comfortable in the new apartment and enjoys making a whirlwind of everything from newly folded towels to Zigity cards (interspersing delighted squeaks after each random act of babyness)

We had a fabulous birthday celebration with many cherished friends and family in attendance. Lark's dipes are up to 10 covers now!

We're on the lookout for a used (free) washer so Larklet can start wearing her GM and BBBB fitteds :D

She has discovered a deep enthralling adoration for all animalkind, especially dogs and pigeons.

Pic time!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dizzy DIzzy Dizzyland days

Lark's been so active that I've not had as much time on the computer (and no time to blog as I'd like!) Latest updates are as follows: Still cruising, can walk about 7 steps total, (if she feels the situation warrents it); Turned ONE YEAR OLD last Friday; went to Disneyland at 7:30 this morning and went on Dumbo and AstroBlasters for the first time; LOVES Daddy (she's definately preferring Daddy time now)

More later, baby calls (again)