Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kids learn what they live

Lark has now started mimicking Randy and I in our attempts to interact with Aria :) We were treated to an acapella concert of Ring Around the Rosie, which quieted Aria, unlike e ither Randy's or my song attempts did :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

growing strong

lark's in another growth spurt, and showing such great moments of being a big girl. when aria cries now lark runs to instead of from her and usually barrels to aria bringing a toy, or caroling a song :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

no more baby, except in my heart :)

she now officially a big girl, sleeping in her own bed most of every night, and fully day-and-night potty-trained....that was my xmas present this year, b/c her nighttime pee-freeness started xmas eve :) she loves spot movies, and is voraciously devouring all new books, so i'm gonna need to start bringing a wagon to the library, lol

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The End is in Sight! (Toothwise)

Lark suddenly popped in 3 of her 4 back molars! And the fourth has one edge peeping through!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Verbal Lark

We have ascended into paragraphs of speech, but the problem is that Lark's sentences are so long she often forgets what parts she's said, or even sometimes what she was talking about :P
She's also gotten to the point where she goes to bed without me! She can be easily read to bed now (Thank goodness for Dr Suess books on tape!) and cuddles the person putting her to sleep even if the adult falls asleep first (childrens books can be VERY tiring:P)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

From sentences to paragraphs!

Lark's developing so fast that I'm really glad I'm such a camera junkie; otherwise I'd miss so much. She's started doing long, unprompted sentences. She also adores her little sister and hovers, reading and 'playing' with her :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Toddler whimsies

Lark no longer falls asleep in the car. Lark has very definite opinions about which clothes she wants and what food she eats. She also has conceived a passion for avacados, strawberries, ground turkey, salmon, cherries, melon, rice noodles, and oatmeal, in varied mixtures :)