Thursday, June 25, 2009

Belated Update

This week's been a bit hectic with Lark being sorta sick. Haven't updated. Lark can now say Dydee(diaper), and Nay-Nay (ni-ni/milk). She can sign Dirty, Please (modified, sliding hand down chest instead of in a circle), and Help (modified, patting arm with closed fist/open hand instead of touching fist to open hand). She also managed to climb into bed without any help 4 days ago. She loves to play with her baby doll and once pretended to nurse it! She's napping more regularly now, 10am and 2 or 4pm. Depending on her afternoon nap, she'll go to bed at 7 or 8pm. She's concentrating more and trying to figure out how to close buckles (especially those in her carseat and stroller)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Balanced Baby

Lark learned how to say "Door" today, and overnight she managed the tricks of balancing herself while standing!

She also learned how to do a modified "Help" sign :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mr Brown Can Moo

Lark's favorite book (sometimes) is Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You? By Dr Seuss. She can now replicate the cow sound (moo) the bee sound (bfffftpth) the cork sound (smacking her lips like a kiss) the horses feet (clucking in her throat) and just 2 days ago started replicating the Cock-a-doodle-doo rooster sound!! She had never been able to do the hard "c" sound until now!
*so excited!*

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Lark Continues to Amaze me :)

She started answering questions we ask her. Today I asked her what she wanted to do and she replied (immediately stopped fussing) and said "Baby out Dadda". It's making me laugh so hard that she is replying with what she wants. Her little peepie voice cracks me up it's so cute!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More and More Signs

Whiel out on a walk this morning Lark signed Sleepy Home! First time signing home! We took her right back and she went down for her nap....She's SO bright!!

A Varitable Cornucopia!

Lark said to daddy this morning Dadda Out, to get him out of the adult cage. Later this morning she signed to me Help Get Read/Book. First time signing Help!
This is a fascinating age!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Lark learned how to sign Sleepy today! She crawled up to me and signed sleepy and pointed to the bedroom and said Ya?
She is so cute and so bright!

More Babbles

Lark said Bye Dadda today when Daddy left for work today!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Babbling Beauty

New Words: Nose and Out. She is getting good at locating the dogs, balls and birds on her jammies, and we're getting her some 3-4T asap, since she outgrew her 2T. She likes the song Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes, and can touch her head and her mouth in the song. I'm in process teaching her g words (specifically Grandpa hopefully in time for Father's Day!)

Cute baby pix time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Keeping Track

Lark learned how to say Meow and Go today, and signed Book for the first time. She fell in love with a cute baby stove at Lakeshore, playing for ages with it :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Lark is about to hit her fourteenth month of life and has been making our lives a continuous surprise-infused time of joy. She is talking, not just with her hands now. She is reading her books on her own (as long as they have the word ball on the first page) and is working hard at her ABD's (she can't figure out how to say C yet :D) She can copy the sounds for A, B, D, and M, and says Ball, Baby, Dog, Mom, Dadda, and Bird nearly perfectly. She can make some animals sounds, like buzzing, mooing and tick tock/clicking sounds. She's vocalizing much more lately, and says Yum when she wants some ice, and Dere while pointing to embellish her desires of locomotion, and when she agrees with you she says Yah. She's taken to cuddling her stuffed toys and any pillow formations around the house. She recognizes people in pictures (especially Dadda). She recently was babysat by Auntie Kelsey and fell asleep with her. She has also transitioned to being a stroller baby, literally she wants about 5 walks a day in the stroller and is very insistant. She lets me know she wants a walk by crawling to the door, picking up one of my sandels and crawling back three-legged to me, dropping the sandel on me (or throwing it at me) and crawling back to get the other one. I usually give her the choice of carriers (which are in a basket by the door) and laetly she's been choosing the stroller instead. She's cut herself down to 2 naps a day, one around 10am and one around 3pm, instead of her prior three naps a day, 9am, noon and 3pm. She sometimes still goes to bed around 6-7, but lately it's been more like 8-9ish....sigh. She's got 11 teeth and three molars and is working on an incisor. She's rediscovered her love for reading, and more specifically, her desire for specific people to read to her at specific times. It's no longer good enough for Mom OR Dadda to read her a book, now she knows who she wants and is insistant until she gets it. She is also very specific about which books she wants to read. Her latest favorites include, ABC's, Don't Touch It's Hot, and Mr. Brown Can Moo, and her mini Mickey Mouse books.

Update complete. Will try to write more often in the future.