Lark is growing up so fast it's kind of scary. Yesterday we were reading a bunch of books and she fixated on one ( Close To Me, which features a red-headed little girl who looks a lot like Lark, and who we refer to as Lark often in the book) and had me reread it about 7 times, then just kept flippingto the last page and having me read that over and over about 12 times. I noticed she had tears in her eyes as I read the last page for the umteenth time and asked her why she was sad. She replied, " Bobby uh-yone (Baby alone)" I said but there are her mommy and daddy watching her sleep. She then said Bobby in-yide, mama dadda out-yide, no mama dadda (Baby inside, mommy and daddy outside, no mommy and daddy ((aren't with her))). Then she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said No Bobby uh-yone, Bobby yad ( No Baby alone -
Don't leave me alone- Baby sad -
I am sad-) My heart nearly broke and I cuddled her and reassured her we weren't leaving her alone and she didn't need to be sad. We then called Daddy and talked to him and he reassured her also, and said he'd be coming home soon too. I dried her tears and we went on playing but it stuck with me how much she is learning/thinking/
I need to stop thinking she doesn't understand, and be careful of my words, since she is transferring concepts now.