Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lark's Wordcount

She is repeating most all words/word sounds we say to her. She can clearly repeat I, You, Me, My, Diddy (Disneyland), Yark (Lark), Maw (Mall), and shje adores repeating any and everything she can possibly hear :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lark's Diet Changes

SO I'm utterly nauseated by the sight/smell/idea of chicken (thanks to pregnancy), so poor Larklet will be eating steak/salmon now for her protien fix instead for the next 7 months, except on weekeneds, when Dadda will make her some (gag) chicken :)

Monday, October 5, 2009


Lark poo'd in the potty yesterday!
She came up to me and cried. I asked what was wrong and she replied 'poo'. I asked if she wanted to sit on her potty and she said 'yes', so Randy and I took her in and sat with her in the bathroom and read her a birdie book and she stayed there! We asked if she was done and she shook her head no. Then waited about 2 minutes and asked again and she pointed down and said 'poo' and signed 'all done'. I was SO PROUD of her
First time going in the big girl potty!
Soon no more cute fluffy bum for her! Make way for the new baby's fluff-buns! (We found out I'm pregnant on Sept 27th :D)(Due around the end of May 2010)