Lark can now do small sentences. She recently told me she wants to go to the park. "Babee gogogogogo puh".
She's also eating often. She particularily likes cherries (stolen from Grammy) and grapes. Life is easier when I wait until she wants food and can handle small chunks of it.
She just got over a wicked flu (lasting from last Thursday until Monday) and we finally got to see Uncle Kyle again. Lark's been clingy since I helped my last doula client labor (which lasted roughly 9 hours). Lark's been doing well with her Auntie Kelsey babysitting with Momma and Dadda in the house playing games in the kitchen. She's also started nursing her baby dollies and showing a specific preference for things by speaking. She's learned to shake her head for no, and to say Yesh or Yah.
More later, barely have time on computer nowadays :)