Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Running the Classics (over and over and over)

So Lark has been on a diaper-spree for the past week or so. However it's been easier since we got her new cheeky's (last Friday). We've been able to finally retire her too-small proraps. However, I was wishing (injudiciously, I know) for a chance to show off all ehr diapers everyday to people. Well I got my wish, in a way. She has been going through roughly 15 diapers a day for a while now (seems like forever, but I know it's been only about a week or so). So we've 'broken-in' her pretty new cheeky's, downside is, she doesn't stay in them happily long enough for me to snap a picture of them on her bum before I need to change her again!

Oh, and I got 2 pocket-fitted ones from Beth too, plus some Goodmama fitteds, but I don't put her in those yet, I'm waiting 'til we move and I get my washer/dryer in unit! I'm tired of driving to my mom's house 3x daily to wash things! But, it IS cheaper then doing them here at the coin-op.
Oh, and here's Jess and cutie G at Disney on the Casey Jr Ride, such fun!

And now, what you all came for....Lark's cute bum :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fluffy Mail Finally

Lark finally got her new cheeky covers in the mail yesterday! Four new 'bumpers' to make her bum cuter then ever :)

Sadly, the main reason for this post is not to rejoice in the delight of new unblemished, it is to lament that our darling daughter decided to 'christen' the covers by, you guessed it, messing in EVERY ONE OF THEM! That would be eight, count it, eight, messy diapers I changed today. By messy I don't mean just a little poopy, I mean a huge blowout, woulda-ruined-her-clothes-too-if-she-didn't-have-a-cheeky-cover-clothie-on-poopy.

*rolls eyes in frustration*

Here's the ONLY picture I managed to snap of ONE of her new dipes. That should tell you something about how often I had to change diapers, if I only got ONE shot of her today!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Baby Buns!

So for fun, some of my mommy friends and I tried to snap some pictures of our babies naked from behind.

What do you think?

Also, I reworked my doula webpage, since I have a prospective client :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Plus Baby

Our first romantic holiday since Lark showed actually hasn't gone too crazily. Randy woke up when Lark started squawking at 7am and let me sleep in 'til 8am. When she needed a change, I woke up and came out and made berry pancakes for us. Then we all went for a walk to the park and played with Lark on the swings. We wandered home and I made some grilled cheese sandwiches and then we spent the next 2 hours trying to convince Lark to sleep. She hadn't napped all day and finally dropped off around 2:30pm. I gave Randy his present that Jess and Erma helped me create, and he gave me a lovely necklace/"pendant" after seeing what I'd made him. We watched some AD and then ordered some Olive Garden and settled in to watch the Story of Us together.

Life is good :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mr. Rogers View on Breastfeeding

This just made me think. Why is breastfeeding so often considered to be dirty and more for the poor/uneducated? Why is it considered pornographic to have a mother breastfeeding in public or on TV?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Big Girl Already

Lark has figured out how to undress herself! She can now pull shirts off, as well as her prior repertoire of socks and hats.

She's loving the silly spinney rides that make her dizzy (courtesy of Disney, methinks) and is just having a ball with the other baby friends and mama friends. Still isn't into solids, but is adoring her purified-water-sicles (which allow momma and dada to have dinner sitting together at the same time with the food warm!) We're likely going to try peas next weekend, since she's turning 10 months tomorrow!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bizarre Baby Habits

Lark's stopped the Boop game...*sad*

Lark's started the Diaper Sorting Game...*laughing*

Lark's traveled in the car a short distance in the DARK! -new behavior-

Lark's getting more Cheeky Diapers...*happy cow dance*

Lark's trying to stand on her own and cruising on everyone's knees...*rueful smile*

Lark won't let me on the computer much lately...*cries*