Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Baby Gets Tired

Apparently Lark is like her Momma when she gets overly sleepy: obsessive, and just a little odd.

This was taken towards the end of her random burst of diaper organizing. She had been doing this for the past 30 minutes, over and over and over.

We have a bizarre child. :)

Grampy's Visit


Lark just adores her Grampy. We also went to Disneyland again today. Fabulous mother's room and toddler play areas. Totally hidden so very few know about them. Lark also got another clothing infusion (Thank you Tami!), and a Monkey Leash and taller play yard - traded for her old play yard which Abbey loves - (Thank you Vana!)

Momma's going to tutor again tonight, but with finals ending on Thursday, most of the jobs will evaporate, so Larklet will get Momma and Dada time together again, instead of solo Dada time as soon as he gets off of work.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Multi Blogging

http://mommathings.blogspot.com/ is my new blog, all about mama stuff since I have a terminal case of mommy-brain and would otherwise forget all the cool stuff I learn about :)

In other Lark-related news, we've gone to Disneyland, and she loves it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

FluffyMail for ME!

Lark's got new booty!
I'm slowly easing into "true" cloth diapers, aka, not the Dydee Service.
I bought my first two and just received them in the mail today!
Pirate and Dragon Booty :)
My next step is to find an apartment with washer/dryer hookups and buy more prefolds and bumper/covers and start washing my own diapers. Maybe if I get really fancy, I can get some AIO/AI2s or pockets :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Lark's Walking Debut!

Cruising the Gauntlet O' Death!

Mensa Application Video: Lark Miller, Age 9 months

And of course, cute pictures from today visiting SlingJenn, so mama didn't go crazy mad trying to entertain her baby all day while everyone else's babys were sick!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Post-Holiday Melt

It's hard to re-start something once you've stopped for a while!

Lark is now nine months old, and to celebrate we tried giving her her first real food: squash. She basically finger-painted with it, so after cleaning her, the highchair, the floor, the table and me, I figure we'll try more food only in the morning on the weekend from now on, since she wasn't too wild about getting a bath at nighttime to clean squash from her hair and behind her knees (how she got it there, I'll never know)

The holidays were great fun, got lovely gifts (Lark got CUTE clothes!) and having everyone over made her so much happier (compared to going to my dad's house on Cmas Eve, where she was rather miffed and didn't smile barely at all).