So Lark's been clingy like a creeper vines since Randy went back to work....sigh. Having Dadda home for 9 days makes her really miss him when he's gone now....Plus she's trying to scale back to one nap a day, which means we have about 2 hours before bedtime thast she tries to go to sleep during (but if we let her, she'll be awake in an hour and not go back down 'til 10pm or 11pm)
I'm going nutty!
On the plus side, we got to see Grampy again to cheer him up after surgery, and Auntie Kelsey's sitting with Roni (my old student) for Larklet this Sunday so I can game with the boys. afterwards I'm going for a MUCH NEEDED Mom's Night Out to Melting Pot in Irvine :)
Lark is verbalizing much better, she is really getting good at saying Go and her signs are getting clearer, she will not just do them on command, she can instigate with them, like she tries to open a can and can't and looks up at me and says Mama and signs Help. It's awesome to watch her brain develop.
Got some more EBB clothies too....I loooove the doggy one, she is constantly rubbing the dipe against her face (clean) and pointing out the dogs on there when she's wearing it :P :)
Oh and Lark ate an apple on Monday :) Her first real food :D