Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So Many Sentences

Lark is becoming more and more verbal. Now she puts together 3 word sentences :) Today as I was feeding her some cassarole at my mom's house Lark piped up into a lull of our conversation.
"Baby Food Hot"
Mom and I were so amused and stunned. We'd been talking about my mom's phone, not the food at all. Lark is independantly making sentences about her own experiences :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

3 word sentences and more

Lark is growing so fast, and I seem to be slowing down. I blame pregnancy and her soon-to-be sibling :D She unprompted can now count to 8 or 9. She can prompted count to 100. She unprompted said Thank you Daddy when he gave her applesauce form the fridge this morning. She has a fish she named Ariel, and loves her Mickey Mouse blanket and stuffed doll she got for an early Christmas present from Heather.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Toddlerhood Trials

Lark is quite stubborn (she gets it from her maternal grandmother!) and is particular about specific routines, ie: bedtime. For her to be willing to sleep she must have her jammies on, have the music on, have already toasted her toes, hands and nose at the heater fan (this is a new thing, sinc ethe cold weather, lol) and be snuggled up between randy and I. she also is showing strong preferences for which foods she'll eat. Yesterday, she ate nothing but avacados, two days before that she ate an entire box of strawberries. The only break she gets is in the car. Monotonous choices are limited to dried mangos, dried bananas, and puffed rice. (Once in a blue moon I'll bring something else, like chicken or something, but it's to bribe her to staying in the car longer) She is still a little carnivore, snarfing chicken, turkey, salmon, and steak (or hamburger). Her favorite food lately is peas. Frozen or cooked.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Keep Growing Up up UP

Lark's getting too big! She's out of her size 5 and 6 shoes now and into 7s! She's wearing a 5T jammie set for bedtime and 3-4T during the day. She loves repeating (have you tried living with a parrot who can follow you all day long?), and can say 'I want' unprompted (we're still working on what she wants though)
She can identify people by their picture and watches the slideshow of pictures on my computer screensaver with avidity and calls out who is in the picture. She also has QUITE the little opinions on what she will wear, eat and do :) She can name colors and count to three unassisted.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Smart Little Buggie

Lark 'went to school' yesterday. She was able to correctly identify different colors and shapes and put them into the proper book-puzzle spot.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lark's Wordcount

She is repeating most all words/word sounds we say to her. She can clearly repeat I, You, Me, My, Diddy (Disneyland), Yark (Lark), Maw (Mall), and shje adores repeating any and everything she can possibly hear :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lark's Diet Changes

SO I'm utterly nauseated by the sight/smell/idea of chicken (thanks to pregnancy), so poor Larklet will be eating steak/salmon now for her protien fix instead for the next 7 months, except on weekeneds, when Dadda will make her some (gag) chicken :)

Monday, October 5, 2009


Lark poo'd in the potty yesterday!
She came up to me and cried. I asked what was wrong and she replied 'poo'. I asked if she wanted to sit on her potty and she said 'yes', so Randy and I took her in and sat with her in the bathroom and read her a birdie book and she stayed there! We asked if she was done and she shook her head no. Then waited about 2 minutes and asked again and she pointed down and said 'poo' and signed 'all done'. I was SO PROUD of her
First time going in the big girl potty!
Soon no more cute fluffy bum for her! Make way for the new baby's fluff-buns! (We found out I'm pregnant on Sept 27th :D)(Due around the end of May 2010)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Might be New words :)

This morning in my arms Lark started babbling Maybe go?, No....Maybe Go? No, just over and over again pointing at the door. She also said Bappy the other day...we're still trying to figure out what that means :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baby Babbles

Lark can now say please (accompanied with the sign) and can sign Thank you and Good and Where. She signs Eat alot lately, usually while saying Chee (chicken). She differentiates b/w rice (rrr) and millet (mee) and really likes brushing her teeth with Momma in the morning and Daddy in the evenings. She can say Bath (bat/bah) and Mall (mawh).
She cut all 16 of her front teeth and is currently working on her 2-year-old molars....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordy Little One

Lark can now differentiate. She can state whether something is little (yee-dle) or big (beedt), and can ask you be up or down, and have something put on or off (unfortunately both on and off are the same word in her mind.....odddft)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Toddling Beauty

Lark's really coming along in the walking/running thing. She's popping herself up from a sitting position now. She can also say Please, and adores chicken (to a very obsessive extent). We tried bananas for the first time today, and she loves puffed rice for car rides.
She nurses her dollies alot now, and loves playing with her friends on playgrounds, or especially at the splashparks :)
She's got her Dadda's climbing gene, though, which freaks me out!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Lark's officially into solids now :) Almost 16 months of EBF and now she asks for and eats and swollows millet, chicken, peas, carrots (cut or pureed) apples, grapes, and blueberries.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Finally Doing it!

Lark signed Thank You for the first time today!!!
She also can say Chi, for chicken, and Buh/Puh for grape (Puh also doubles as the word for peas, lol)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Increasing Vocabulary = Tired Momma

Lark can now do small sentences. She recently told me she wants to go to the park. "Babee gogogogogo puh".
She's also eating often. She particularily likes cherries (stolen from Grammy) and grapes. Life is easier when I wait until she wants food and can handle small chunks of it.
She just got over a wicked flu (lasting from last Thursday until Monday) and we finally got to see Uncle Kyle again. Lark's been clingy since I helped my last doula client labor (which lasted roughly 9 hours). Lark's been doing well with her Auntie Kelsey babysitting with Momma and Dadda in the house playing games in the kitchen. She's also started nursing her baby dollies and showing a specific preference for things by speaking. She's learned to shake her head for no, and to say Yesh or Yah.
More later, barely have time on computer nowadays :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Heat Fussies

So Lark's been clingy like a creeper vines since Randy went back to work....sigh. Having Dadda home for 9 days makes her really miss him when he's gone now....Plus she's trying to scale back to one nap a day, which means we have about 2 hours before bedtime thast she tries to go to sleep during (but if we let her, she'll be awake in an hour and not go back down 'til 10pm or 11pm)

I'm going nutty!

On the plus side, we got to see Grampy again to cheer him up after surgery, and Auntie Kelsey's sitting with Roni (my old student) for Larklet this Sunday so I can game with the boys. afterwards I'm going for a MUCH NEEDED Mom's Night Out to Melting Pot in Irvine :)

Lark is verbalizing much better, she is really getting good at saying Go and her signs are getting clearer, she will not just do them on command, she can instigate with them, like she tries to open a can and can't and looks up at me and says Mama and signs Help. It's awesome to watch her brain develop.

Got some more EBB clothies too....I loooove the doggy one, she is constantly rubbing the dipe against her face (clean) and pointing out the dogs on there when she's wearing it :P :)

Oh and Lark ate an apple on Monday :) Her first real food :D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Up Sparkles!

Lark can climb! She discovered the wonderful world of ladders on our vacation with my mom last week.

She also reliably asks to take a nap when she's tired or wants to go to bed at night. She will make her questioning squeak and point the direction 'til we get to the bedroom then she'll point to the bed and look at me and make the Sleepy sign then squeak inquiringly again.

She also loves going out in her jogging strollers.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sign Sentences

Lark signed Please and Help and then said Dadda. She's getting smarter everyday. She actively tries to do things now and when she can't she signs Help quickly. She can also Meow like a kitty :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Belated Update

This week's been a bit hectic with Lark being sorta sick. Haven't updated. Lark can now say Dydee(diaper), and Nay-Nay (ni-ni/milk). She can sign Dirty, Please (modified, sliding hand down chest instead of in a circle), and Help (modified, patting arm with closed fist/open hand instead of touching fist to open hand). She also managed to climb into bed without any help 4 days ago. She loves to play with her baby doll and once pretended to nurse it! She's napping more regularly now, 10am and 2 or 4pm. Depending on her afternoon nap, she'll go to bed at 7 or 8pm. She's concentrating more and trying to figure out how to close buckles (especially those in her carseat and stroller)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Balanced Baby

Lark learned how to say "Door" today, and overnight she managed the tricks of balancing herself while standing!

She also learned how to do a modified "Help" sign :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mr Brown Can Moo

Lark's favorite book (sometimes) is Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You? By Dr Seuss. She can now replicate the cow sound (moo) the bee sound (bfffftpth) the cork sound (smacking her lips like a kiss) the horses feet (clucking in her throat) and just 2 days ago started replicating the Cock-a-doodle-doo rooster sound!! She had never been able to do the hard "c" sound until now!
*so excited!*